Fearless Writing with Bill Kenower
Weekly inspiration and advice on writing and creativity from the author of Fearless Writing and Everyone Has What It Takes.
93 episodes
Write Because Your Life Matters
If you’ve spent a lot of time taking care of other people, it’s easy to start believing their lives, their happiness, their safety and well-being, matters more than yours. It doesn’t. Writing demands we close the door and acknowledge that our l...
Season 3
Episode 92

Your Cabin On The Beach
Writers sit down every day at their desk and summon all kinds of feelings, from joy to grief. When you’re not writing, focus less on the result you want, and more on the feeling you want, something you’re already good at.
Season 3
Episode 91

Look At The Swans!
A story from my brother that serves as a great reminder of how easy it is to lock our attention onto what we don’t want. Creativity is all about thinking deliberately, knowing that whatever we focus on increases.
Season 3
Episode 90

Craft and Desire
Our craft evolves to match our creative desires. With time, you will always be “good enough” to write the kind of story you most want to write.
Season 3
Episode 89

When Readers Don’t Get It
We can’t let fear of being misunderstood keep us from sharing our work. Not everyone can get everything, and that has to be okay.
Season 3
Episode 88

Feeling Disconnected
Sometimes we go a few days or weeks without writing and feel disconnected and dissatisfied. Try not to despair. Your true creative self is always with if you know where to look.
Season 3
Episode 87

The Dream Has Always Been Real
Nothing we dream exists outside of us. Just like our stories, it starts within us and then we dream it forward onto the page and into the world.
Season 3
Episode 86

How Writing Teaches Us To Be Free
You must be willing to tell the story you most want to tell in the way you most want to tell it. That is freedom.
Season 3
Episode 85

Creating on Purpose
Writing is a great way to practice creating on purpose, rather than accidentally or by default. The blank page asks what we want, and only we can answer that.
Season 3
Episode 84

What’s Your Motivation?
You need to know your character’s motivation to really understand them and tell compelling stories. You also need to be clear about your own motivation when you sit down to write.
Season 2
Episode 83

A Writer’s Best Practice
Starting this week, begin practicing how you think when you sit down to write. Practice caring about the story, not what other people think about the story. It’s as important as craft.
Season 2
Episode 82

Big Announcement: Fearless Writing Retreat!
I'll be hosting a Fearless Writing retreat January 26 - 31 in Portland, OR. Space is limited!I'd love to see you there.Retreat: https://www.portlandretreathouse.com/fearless-writing-with-bill-kenowerBill's website: https://www.willi...

You Can’t Control What You Like
We all have a personal aesthetic that’s unique to us. We can’t control it; we can only obey it. In this way, what we create is not dissimilar to the stuff we love that other people created.
Season 2
Episode 81

Why I Publish
It can be hard to connect to why we publish aside from money and possibly acclaim. It’s important to remember that if you’re sharing something you love, you’re making the world just a little bit better.
Season 2
Episode 80

Fantasy and Reality
Writing has taught me, and continues to teach me, that the only thing real in life is love. You can’t manufacture it, you can only see it, find it, notice it, and then obey it.
Season 2
Episode 79

Accepting All Changes
When we work with an editor, we will inevitably accept most of the changes they make to our story. It’s good preparation for sharing our work with readers, giving up our complete ownership as the reader makes the story their own.
Season 2
Episode 78

Real Commitment
At some point, every artist must commit to their work before they have evidence of success. Let your love of the work be reason enough to make this commitment.
Season 2
Episode 77

What Comes Before Craft
Learning your craft is critical, but all the know-how in the world is useless without the right mindset. Unless we wait with an open heart and curious mind, we’ll never invite the ideas to which we will apply that craft.
Season 2
Episode 76

Sometimes The Best Thing to Do Is Nothing
When you’re struggling, when you think you’re no good, when you feel like your story stinks – don’t try to fix anything. Do nothing until the feeling passes and you can make a better choice.
Season 2
Episode 75

Writing As A Way To Meet Yourself
The point of writing is never the outcome. An outcome is just an excuse to focus in a meaningful way, and when we do, we meet ourselves in a way we rarely do otherwise.
Season 2
Episode 74

Ignore the Odds
The only real certainty in writing and in life comes when we follow that guidance that tells us what story to write and how best to write it. If you don’t follow that, life will seem random, even though it isn’t.
Season 2
Episode 73

More Fearless Marketing
Two helpful tips to get over our resistance to marketing: make it fun, and offer a conversation. It’s nearly impossible to do anything well that we don’t enjoy, and we don’t so much sell our books as invite readers to join a conversation.
Season 2
Episode 72

Pain-Free Writing
When we write, we’re always seeking the effortless way forward. But we often meet resistance. The pain comes when we try to force our way through the resistance rather than find the better, more natural way.
Season 2
Episode 71